The provided access key is not authorized for this operation. - Please contact support and provide this identifier to reference this issue

Hi all,

I have been having tremendous issues with Serverless not being able to leverage my credentials and I isolated it to a singular context.


My key looks good in ~/.aws/credentials and my serverless dashboard looks fine as well.

To be sure I have created new credentials, associated with an administrator IAM role.

I have an app in Serverless Dashboard: pariveda-datalake-sls which contains a couple services such as Feed, Ingest, Model …

I CAN deploy to my aws account and update/change my cloudformation stack when I use the serverless deploy command from my computer, which from what I understand is actually using my local credentials. Which validate strongly that there is nothing wrong with my permissions.

org: parivedasolutions
service: model


As soon as I add my app to my serverless.yml file:

org: parivedasolutions

app: pariveda-datalake-sls

service: model

I receive Error:
Error: The provided access key is not authorized for this operation. - Please contact support and provide this identifier to reference this issue - 016N0XN3W053.

There is not other AWS credential file on my computer!!

I don’t know what to do