Serverless » The provided access key is not authorized for this operation. - Please contact support and provide this identifier to reference this issue - DXLNV333D9CC


I’m trying to create an application using Serverless, AWS Lambda and MongoDB so I was referencing this blog post:

  • I’ve created an AWS account and set up an IAM user which I’ve placed under a group with AdministratorAccess privileges and got the IAM user’s AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key.

  • I’ve added the access keys to the environment variables (I’m using Windows 10)

  • I’ve installed Serverless using npm install -g serverless

  • Then I’ve created a template using serverless create --template aws-nodejs --path my-lambda-app

  • When I’m trying to run the “serverless deploy” command I receive the following error message:

Serverless » The provided access key is not authorized for this operation. - Please contact support and provide this identifier to reference this issue - DXLNV333D9CC

Any help would be appreciated!

How did you add your access key to the environement? I did this:

run: serverless config credentials :
with parameters:
--provider aws
--key <Access key ID>
--secret <Secret access key>
it saves them to: ~/.aws/credentials

@teatime did u fix this error i also have the issue please share the solution if u fix it

Hi @Daniel-Andarge the problem is because the .aws credentials aren´t not same on the serverless/providers with the pc.

The way to correct this is to delete the ~/.serverlessrc file, then run “serverless login” to rebuild it and you should be all good