Unable to deploy to Azure


I’m having issues deploying to Azure, looks like an issue with authentication.

To get to the bottom of it I have tried deploying the azure-nodejs template.

Have tried both interactive and service principal login.

Key error is: Error: Authentication returned an empty list of subscriptions. Try another form of authentication. See the serverless-azure-functions README for more help.

Definitely a subscription present.

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I was having a similar problem and was only able to find success following the instructions below. Hope these can help.

Thanks, I can confirm that the simple way does not work, but the advanced authentication using AZ CLI works, beginning with:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name

I would suggest you to take the advantage of utilizing azure migration consulting services where all the basic framework and services are managed appropriately. Even I had faced an issue where I get a deployment failed when I enter ‘git push azure master’, near the end. It was resolved easily.