November 15, 2018, 4:51pm
Using AWS codepipeline + codebuild to invoke serverless. We usually install the latest using “npm install -g serverless”. Today the build failed with this error:
Running command serverless deploy --verbose --stage $STAGE --region us-east-1 --unitTest true
Serverless command “deploy devUnitTest” not found. Did you mean “deploy”? Run “serverless help” for a list of all available commands.
Reverting to 1.32 appears to work. Wondering if this is related to our use of plugins or ?? any clues appreciated.
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I have this problem too on my Gitlab CI pipelines.
right after npm i -g serverless
command `serverless deploy --stage=staging ----aws-s3-accelerate
transforms to “deploy LS1hd3MtczMtYWNjZWxlcmF0ZQ==”
–stage=staging disappears and —aws-s3-accelerate transforms to base64!
some kind of evil magic…
I’m seeing the same issue.
Without digging too far, I can see that it isn’t handling the --stage correctly. I’ve reverted to 1.32 and things work fine.
November 15, 2018, 7:47pm
Thanks. I also reverted to 1.32.0 so I could get past the build issue.