Prevent variable resolution for AWS custom resource outputs

Hello all, looking for some help as I can’t seem to find any documentation on this use case.

I’m working with the latest version of serverless v3, simply trying to “package”, generate the CF template. I need to use a custom resource to fetch information for injecting into the cloudformation template as outlined by AWS. This injection is done as part of a cloudformation deployment, serverless framework should do nothing here, the CF template merely needs to contain the correct references.

In my resource definition I access this value using the AWS prescribed !GetAttr customResource.outputParameter however serverless is unable to generate the CF template because it keeps trying to resolve this variable when it should be left in place for cloudformation to resolve during its processing. Erroring with:

“Cannot resolve variable at “resources.Resources.ResourceName”: Value not found at “file” source”.

How can I work with custom resource outputs using the serverless framework? Why is the framework trying to resolve this variable declared with the AWS syntax? Is there a way to get serverless to keep this as is in the template when packaging?

Creating Route53 recordsets in a central account is a big use case for us. This works well for accounts that are isolated by environment (dev, staging & production), and the processing lambda can scope accounts to a particular subdomain automatically.