New resource is not getting deployed, no errors

I added an S3 bucket to my resources, but it is not getting deployed when run sls deploy. I see it in the serverless-state.json file in my build folder and my functions do get updated. No errors are shown upon deploy. What am I missing? Here’s the bucket config

  Description: "My project - ${self:provider.stage}"
      Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
      DeletionPolicy: Retain
        Name: my-new-bucket-unique-name

Hi, have you added an indentation before MyNewBucket?

  Description: "My project - ${self:provider.stage}"

Yep, that was a typo on my part – there are no errors when I deploy (validation or otherwise)

I would recommend to check a cloudformation page, there you can find your stack and check events. At least you will see when the stack has been updated the last time.

The issue was an extra space before ‘resources’ which was also propogated down the section.