I'm curious about how other people handle file uploads

I’m thinking something like this…

Currently we have the client request a signed URL (using API GW & Lambda). It then directly uploads the file to S3 and makes another call (API GW -> Lambda -> DynamoDB) to store information about the upload. This works for us because we need a lot more information than just a file being uploaded.

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We’re doing the same as Buggy.
Client hits requests a S3.PresignedPost via APIG => Lambda which uploads directly to S3.
Then posts upload related details via APIG => Lambda => DynamoDB

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I get a presigned URL via AWS IOT+lambda since my headless device is identified via a certificate instead of an AWS user ID. Another PUBLISH is used to load the metadata into DynamoDB. When I generate the pre-signed URL I put the CognitoID of the human owner in the file’s path.

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