I am trying to set up Serverless Enterprise however I receive the following error:
An error occurred: CloudWatchLogsSubscriptionFilterAccountsLogGroup - Resource limit exceeded. (Service: AWSLogs; Status Code: 400; Error Code: LimitExceededException; Request ID: ).
Works fine when not connected to Enterprise, any ideas?
I am facing the same problem. My app is composed of multiple services and I am able to deploy successfully on one service but I can’t deploy for the other services.
After some digging I end up in this page: https://github.com/serverless/enterprise-plugin which states that the serverless version required should be >= 1.45. This would make sense as I am able to deploy correctly services that have been created after the version 1.45. Ok then now is there a way to redeploy the existing old services without having to remove them and recreate them?
Removing a service is not an option as it will wipe the associated data [dynamo].