Can a single lambda have more than one CloudWatch log group with the help of subscription filter, since the default maximum is two subscription filters per log group?
What I am trying to achieve is to have a single lambda, that will have lets say 15 log groups, and the logs will be routed to appropriate log group based on the specific http event that was received by lambda.
I am not using any kind of SNS topic or SQS or anything like that, just trying to route the logs based on some event key that is passed.
Just to mention this article:
Didn’t quite help me since even if I mention the log groups that I create manually trough resources in the yaml file, when the lambda is executed it always put the logs to the lambda default log group that was created with sls, and doesn’t route them to the mentioned log groups in the yaml.
I would appreciate if anyone knows if this is possible, thanks upfront!