AWS Transcribe service

Hi forum-

Has anyone used the AWS Transcribe service from within a serverless lambda application? Specifically was wondering if there is any way to somehow get a lambda to be called when a transcribe job has completed. Would prefer some active mechanism as opposed to having to poll AWS to determine when the job completes (which isn’t very lambda-friendly)…

Thanks in advance!

Thanks … although this project appears to be using Google and IBM transcription services, not AWS transcribe…

Should be Eats to put the transciption to S3 Bucket or alternatively to dynamodb and trigger event from that.

Cloudwatch event from metrics made of lamda is another pattern

unfortunately it doesn’t appear that AWS Transcribe lets you specify where the results go. as far as I can tell you have to poll the service to see when a job completes, and then it provides a URL where you can grab the results. It seems like a big hole to not be able to subscribe to a “competion” event, but I don’t see any way to do that … odd…