Unable to make calls to external apis

I have an end-point for a Slack slash command that uses the Slack Python sdk to call Slack’s API.

@app.route('/route', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def foo():
    slack_web_client = WebClient(token=os.environ['SLACK_ORG_ADMIN_USER_TOKEN'])
    start = time()

    data = request.form
    user_id = data.get('user_id')
    text = data.get('text')
    response_url = data.get('response_url')

    def execute_foo(user_id, text, response_url):
        print("######## Execute foo #########")

        # check if text has one parameter: new password
        print("###### Checking parameters ########")
        params = text.split(" ")
        if len(params) != 1:
            print("######## Error: Invalid params #########")
            requests.post(response_url, data=json.dumps({'text':':negative_squared_cross_mark: Error'}))
            return make_response("", 404)

        new_pass = params[0]

        # check if new_pass hits requirements:
        # 1. at least 12 characters
        # 2. at least 1 uppercase letter
        # 3. at least 1 lowercase letter
        # 4. at least 1 number
        # 5. at least 1 special character
        print("######## Checking password criteria ########")
        if len(new_pass) < 12 or not re.search("[a-z]", new_pass) or not re.search("[A-Z]", new_pass) or not re.search("[0-9]", new_pass):
            print("######## Error: Invalid password #########")
            requests.post(response_url, data=json.dumps({'text': ':negative_squared_cross_mark: Your new password must contain the following:\n1. At least 12 characters\n2. At least 1 uppercase letter\n3. At least 1 lowercase letter\n4. At least 1 number\n5. At least 1 special character'}))
            return make_response("", 404)

        # get user's email from slack
        print("######## Getting email from Slack #########")
        user_email = None
            print("#### Calling `users_info` API #######")
            user_email = slack_web_client.users_info(user=user_id)['user']['profile']['email']

        except SlackApiError as e:
            print("######## Error: Could not retrieve user email from Slack #########")
            requests.post(response_url, data=json.dumps({'text': ':negative_squared_cross_mark: Could not retrieve user email from Slack'}))
            return make_response("", 404)

       print("##### Got user email ####")
       requests.post(response_url, data=json.dumps({'text': 'Success'}))
       return make_response("", 200)

    process = Thread(target=execute_foo, args=[user_id, text, response_url])
    return ':hourglass_flowing_sand: Your request is being serviced...'

However, every time the slash command is used, the function only logs until print("#### Calling users_info API #######") before it is stopped. I’ve increased the timeout to 10 minutes. Why can’t I call Slack API?

This is the serverless.yaml file:

org: org-name
app: app-name
service: service-name

frameworkVersion: '3'

    app: app.app
    dockerizePip: true

  name: aws
  runtime: python3.9

    handler: wsgi_handler.handler
      - httpApi: '*'

  - serverless-wsgi
  - serverless-python-requirements