Support custom authorizer on websocket events

Thanks for supporting websocket events in the latest version, however it doesn’t support authorizer like it supports in http events, is there any plan we can add it soon?

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This would be really useful, the docs say to do auth in the $connect, but would be nice to use existing/similar auth functions I already have.

Looks like this will be officially supported in the coming Serverless release of 1.39.0

That’s great, thanks!

Are Websocket authorizers supported in 1.38?

Docs for 1.38 seem to indicate they are…

I also tried this out myself, but was unable to get my auth handler to run when route: $connect

am I missing something?

I believe it will be supported in 1.39, although they seem already updated the doc ahead of the new release.

If you really need it now, you have to manually configure it from the console or use cli.

Yep - I’ll be doing as you suggest.

Just needed to confirm for my own sanity :slight_smile:

I faced a similar problem and I decide to pull the code directly from master(npm install). That seems to fix it.