I would like to reuse the same COGNITO_USER_POOLS Authorizer across multiple micro-services as in the same format as the API Gateway using Resource Outputs.
I am able to successfully create the resource in the same serverless deployment as the apigateway. But having trouble loading it and making it available for separate micro-services…
I tried using the “name” I created in the original service in each micro-service. But I get the error:
"Function “CustomAuthorizerName” doesn’t exist in this Service…
possible to use the same authorizer across each micro-service? When I export the Authorizer Ref, I only get an Authorizer ID not ARN.
Any advice to share a COGNITO_USER_POOLS Authorizer across multiple services? Many thanks!!
Thaks @buggy. Appreciate the help!!
As noted, I have the resource working just fine, it is attaching that resource to -http events on later microservices that is the problem.
I create the resource like this:
MyCognitoAuthorizer: # using this as authorizer for all endpoints
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer
Name: MyCognitoAuthorizer
AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 60
IdentitySource: method.request.header.Authorization
IdentityValidationExpression: Bearer (.*)
- arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:###accountid###:userpool/###userpoolid###
'Fn::ImportValue': apiGateway-restApiId
Ref: MyCognitoAuthorizer
Name: apiGateway-authorizerId
And that works great. The problem is when I run the next microservice, I cant reference MyCognitoAuthorizer because it is not part of that service, I cant use the output because its only the authorizer ID. So the question is, how do I make the resource “known” to the other microservices. like in this example which is in a separate file/microservice: