Setting up SES rule for interaction with S3?

Anyone have words of wisdom for setting an ses rule? Fairly new to sls framework after studying amplify.

I am working through Nathan Glover’s excellent example here and have hit a roadblock. I could swear I ran it last year while testing and had no issues.

The error I am getting is “default-rule-set” not created. The email is verified and I was under impression this snippet creates the rule.

Type: AWS::SES::ReceiptRule
RuleSetName: default-rule-set
Name: {self:custom.SES_RULE_SET_NAME} Enabled: true Recipients: - {self:custom.SES_RULE_SET_EMAIL}
- S3Action:
BucketName: { Ref: S3BucketFoo } # this has to be a mix of upper case and lower case due to resource naming requirements?
ObjectKeyPrefix: “”

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I’m running into this same issue. I’m seeing that Serverless examples tell you to go into the console to add this, which makes no sense for an IAC framework. Have you been able to figure this out?