Servless v4 with serverless-offline problem

Hi! Started to migrate customer serverless v3 projects / functions to serverless v4. No problems until tried to start up it locally. The functions are running in docker container and SERVERLESS_ACCESS_KEY and SERVERLESS_LICENSE_KEY from servlerless dashboard are set correctly. The error I’m getting is InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid. at throwDefaultError (file:///root/.serverless/releases/4.4.11/package/dist/sf-core.js:88:8019). Any ideas what could be causing this?

CDK made creating lambda applications so easy that I don’t see a reason to use any framework. They don’t get you anything but being limited by someone else’s choices.

where is the continouty ?

Does CDK build the function if the function’s code is written in TypeScript?