Serverless.ts set provider.eventBridge.useCloudFormation: true

I want to trigger a lambda by a cron EventBridge event. To do so I’ve added the following configuration to my serverless.ts:

const serverlessConfiguration: Serverless = {
  functions: {
    myLambda: {
      handler: 'src/handler.myLambda',
      events: [{
        eventBridge: { schedule: 'cron(0 2 * * ? *)' }

However, when I run serverless package I get Deprecation warning: AWS EventBridge resources are not being created using native CloudFormation, this is now possible and the use of custom resources is deprecated. Set eventBridge.useCloudFormation: true as a provider property to use this now.
When I add the eventBridge attribute like this:

const serverlessConfiguration: Serverless = {
  provider: {
    eventBridge: { useCloudFormation: true }

the compiler complains ‘eventBridge’ does not exist in type ‘Provider’. Please advice how to solve the problem.