Hi there,
I’ve recently started used Serverless and am in the process of creating a simple application using EventBridge.
I’m developing Lambda using Python and have a few functions running. I notice though that when I use a custom EventBridge (referenced via an ARN) in my Serverless definition I end up with a node Lambda function as well.
I’ve been digging through the documentation and don’t see any reference to this and was wondering if I maybe have just mucked something up in my configuration.
Here’s a snippet of my Serverless configuration with the reference to the custom EventBridge bus.
description: Log Insight events to DynamoDB table
handler: src/event_logger.lambda_handler
- eventBridge:
eventBus: arn:aws:events:us-east-1:123456789012:event-bus/insights-development
- co.insights
Here’s a snippet of what I see in the CloudFormation console for this Lambda function:
Can anyone help shed some light on this for me?