I’m currently setting up serverless framework against a local openwhisk instance for testing/evaluation purposes. The instance is the default Vagrant installation of openwhisk.
Everything is working (connection and .wskprops are correct) , but except the serverless deploy - which looks like caused by the self-signed-certificate. For the wsk command you can bypass this with (-i option).
Is there a possibility in serverless or module to additionally send the insecure option ?
Error from deploying the boilerplate example code.
CANDYBOX:localess arnold$ serverless deploy -v
WARNING: You are running v1.7.0. v1.8.0 will include the following breaking changes:
- Will replace IamPolicyLambdaExecution resource with inline policies -> https://git.io/vDilm
- “sls info” will output the short function name rather than the lambda name -> https://git.io/vDiWx
You can opt-out from these warnings by setting the “SLS_IGNORE_WARNING=*” environment variable.
Serverless: Packaging service…
Serverless: Compiling Functions…
Serverless: Compiling API Gateway definitions…
Serverless: Compiling Rules…
Serverless: Compiling Triggers & Feeds…
Serverless: Deploying Functions…
Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
Failed to deploy function (localess-dev-hello_world)
due to error: Error encountered calling OpenWhisk: Error:
self signed certificate
Get Support --------------------------------------------
Docs: docs.serverless.com
Bugs: github.com/serverless/serverless/issues
Your Environment Information -----------------------------
OS: darwin
Node Version: 6.10.0
Serverless Version: 1.7.0