Serverless Google Installation Tutorial fails

Hi Folks! I’m testing serverless framework version 1.13.2 and the Google Cloud Functions tutorial (link here ) fails when I try to create a new serverless project using --template google-nodejs

Here the code:

serverless create --template google-nodejs --path easycustomer-crud

Here the result:

Serverless: Generating boilerplate…

Serverless Error ---------------------------------------

 Template "google-nodejs" is not supported. Supported
 templates are: "aws-nodejs", "aws-python", "aws-python3",
 "aws-groovy-gradle", "aws-java-maven", "aws-java-gradle",
 "aws-scala-sbt", "aws-csharp", "azure-nodejs", "openwhisk-nodejs",
 "openwhisk-python", "openwhisk-swift", "plugin" and

Get Support --------------------------------------------

Your Environment Information -----------------------------
OS: darwin
Node Version: 6.9.4
Serverless Version: 1.13.2

Hey @vpsouza

Thanks for asking! Great that you want to try out the new Google Cloud Functions integration!

The problem is that v1.13 doesn’t support the new google-nodejs template (but v1.14 will).
(The docs for 1.14 we’ll release next Wednesday are already out there).

You can use the current master if you want to give it a try.

Additionally you can use the install command and install the boilerplate ( It will be deprecated as soon as we’ll release v1.14 but should still work (the google-nodejs template was derived from the boilerplate).

Let us know if you need anything else!