Serverless Deployment Failures - Encountered Unsupported Property Architectures

Hello Everyone,

I’ve been having trouble with deploying my Serverless project for the past couple of hours and am struggling to find a solution. I’m hoping some of you might have come across this issue before and could provide some guidance.

Here’s the context:

I am working on deploying a Serverless project on AWS via the Serverless Framework. I’m using a Darwin operating environment and Node.js version 20.1.0. The Serverless Framework version I’m running is 3.31.0, with plugin version 6.2.3, and SDK version 4.3.2.

I am deploying to the dev stage in the eu-central-1 region, and I am using the “serverlessaccess” provider. My application is hosted on the Serverless Dashboard. Up until about 5 hours ago, deployment went fine and no errors were thrown.

The error I am encountering is related to the deployment of multiple AWS Lambda Functions as every time I deploy, a different lambda function name is shown to be causing the error, seemingly random.

During the deployment process, the following error is returned:

vbnetCopy code

UPDATE_FAILED: [LambdaFunctionName] (AWS::Lambda::Function)
Encountered unsupported property Architectures

Here is an example of the error message for reference:

vbnetCopy code

✖ Stack assistant-dev failed to deploy (74s)
UPDATE_FAILED: WhatsappSendTextLambdaFunction (AWS::Lambda::Function)
Encountered unsupported property Architectures

I’m unsure why this the Architecture would be unsupported as everything was working fine before. I tried investigating the logs in AWS but could not find additional information.

I rolled back my entire changes from today and tried redeploying everything as it was before but I can’t even deploy the old version.

I’m at a loss as to what could be causing this error. Has anyone come across this issue before? If so, how were you able to resolve it?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards, Leon

Seems like it was a temporary issue, the error does not get thrown anymore.