Seed cannot deploy, but using cli ("sls deploy" works)

Hey guys,
I have connected Seed to my GitHub repo where I have a simple serverless stack defined by a serverless.yml file. I manage to deploy correctly with the cli using “sls deploy” but Seed fails to deploy with the following error “Serverless plugin “serverless-offline” not found. Make sure it’s installed and listed in the “plugins” section of your serverless config file.”
This is a very common error but serverless-offline is already listed in the plugin section of serverless.yml and also installed it with npm.

I tried to put the serverless-python-requirements plugin before serverless-offline in my serverless.yml and the deployment in Seed fails because of “Cannot find module ‘/tmp/seed/source/node_modules/serverless-python-requirements/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/index.js’. Please verify that the package.json has a valid “main” entry”. The mentioned index.js file is actually there so I am not sure why Seed fails. Manual “sls deploy” obviously works also in this case.

I find it particularly weird that, for the same code, I can deploy with “sls deploy” but Seed fails. Any idea on how to troubleshoot this? Doesn’t Seed run “sls deploy” in the backend? Thank you!

not an expert here so sorry that i cannot help. i’m just wondering if you’ve found a solution since then? really tempted into finding out what’s wrong. thanks

I still haven’t found a solution unfortunately.

The topic was opened a while back, but for anyone else experiencing the same issue, double-check if the plugins are listed inside your package.json.

@rdarg @beonedesignsg Hope you guys got it working already. Feel free to DM or email me ( the link to the build next time and I will get the team to take a look.