One Gateway For many services

I have many git repos each with a serverless.yaml and a couple of lambdas. I made a rest api gateway with terraform. I want to share this with all of the projects so I end up with a single api gateway.

I am concerned by this part in the docs:

# List of existing resources that were created in the REST API. This is required or the stack will be conflicted
      '/users': xxxx
      '/users/create': xxxx

Do I really need to add every path from every other project here? Also what is xxxx supposed to be? I can’t find any examples.

Are there any plans for a gateway per app verse gateway per service?

I think you are asking us how to configure an API gateway in Terraform ?

In which case, maybe a place full of Terraform experts would be better, but I’d generate the list by parsing each of the .yml files.

I am a Terraform expert, no issues there, serverless framework on the other hand. . . well that’s why I’m here instead of a TF forum.
I did make one in TF, just like the hundreds before, worked like a charm. I linked the ID and root ID in an ssm param (using TF). Then I linked it to the serverless.yml like so

    restApiId: ${ssm:/${opt:stage}/gateway-id}
    restApiRootResourceId: ${ssm:/${opt:stage}/gateway-root-id}

This just didn’t do anything at all, didn’t even give me an error. The gateway is just empty. I’ve done trial and error to no avail. No docs which explain how. No forums showing it off. No videos. This seems like a half baked feature. Like seriously, what is xxxx supposed to be?

I guess I’m just going to have to give up and live with a gateway per service. My feature request still stands though, there should be some (user friendly) option to have a single gateway per app instead of per service. Or much much much more detailed documentation and examples.