Not able to deploy my serverless-fn project

I have followed the exact steps provided at Serverless Framework - Fn Guide - Quick Start

Following is my serverless.yml -

# Welcome to serverless. Read the fn provider docs

# Serverless.yml is the configuration the CLI
# uses to deploy your code to your provider of choice

# The `service` block is the name of the service
service: new-fn-project

frameworkVersion: '2'

# The `provider` block defines where your service will be deployed
  name: fn

  - serverless-fn

# The `functions` block defines what code to deploy
  hello: # <- hello references the ./hello folder and the func.js file inside
    name: hello
    version: 0.0.1
    idletimeout: 45
    format: json
    memory: 256
    #    config:
    #        another: value
    runtime: node
      - http:
          path: /hello

However when I run my serverless deploy command I get the following -

Serverless: Load command interactiveCli
Serverless: Load command config
Serverless: Load command config:credentials
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion:install
Serverless: Load command config:tabcompletion:uninstall
Serverless: Load command create
Serverless: Load command install
Serverless: Load command package
Serverless: Load command deploy
Serverless: Load command deploy:function
Serverless: Load command deploy:list
Serverless: Load command deploy:list:functions
Serverless: Load command invoke
Serverless: Load command invoke:local
Serverless: Load command info
Serverless: Load command logs
Serverless: Load command metrics
Serverless: Load command print
Serverless: Load command remove
Serverless: Load command rollback
Serverless: Load command rollback:function
Serverless: Load command slstats
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:install
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:uninstall
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:list
Serverless: Load command plugin
Serverless: Load command plugin:search
Serverless: Load command config
Serverless: Load command config:credentials
Serverless: Load command upgrade
Serverless: Load command uninstall
Serverless: Load command deploy
Serverless: Load command info
Serverless: Load command logs
Serverless: Load command login
Serverless: Load command logout
Serverless: Load command generate-event
Serverless: Load command test
Serverless: Load command dashboard
Serverless: Load command output
Serverless: Load command output:get
Serverless: Load command output:list
Serverless: Load command param
Serverless: Load command param:get
Serverless: Load command param:list
Serverless: Load command studio
 Serverless Warning --------------------------------------
  CLI options definitions were upgraded with "type" property (which could be one of "string", "boolean", "multiple"). Below listed plugins do not predefine type for introduced options:
   - FNDeploy for "local", "no-cache"
   - FNLogs for "count"
  Please report this issue in plugin issue tracker.
Serverless: Skipping variables resolution with old resolver (new resolver reported no more variables to resolve)
Serverless: Configuration warning: Unrecognized provider 'fn'
Serverless: You're relying on provider plugin which doesn't provide a validation schema for its config.
Serverless: Please report the issue at its bug tracker linking:
Serverless: You may turn off this message with "configValidationMode: off" setting
Serverless: Invoke deploy
Serverless: Warning: The command you entered did not catch on any hooks

The deployment just stops completely after this. I have used serverless with aws previously and it has always worked for me. This is my first time trying it out with the fn provider. Any help would be appreciated.
