Is there anyway to BYPASS using the Serverless Dashboard


I had a deployment where I was using serverless to upload CF templates. It was working great!

Now, I upgraded to the latest version and it is constantly asking me to log into the serverless dashboard.

I want this deployment to be scripted, yet I am getting these prompts OR it hangs trying to access the dashboard.

My output:

[user@serverless vpc]$ serverless -s test deploy

Onboarding “caiso-vpc” to the Serverless Dashboard

? Do you want to login/register to Serverless Dashboard? (Y/n)


If I set dashboard: false, or try and remove app or org as others have suggested, this does not work.

[user@serverless vpc]$ cat serverless.yml
service: my-vpc
variablesResolutionMode: 20210326
dashboard: false
console: false
org: my-app
app: my-app

dashboard: false
name: aws
caiso-app: ${opt:caiso-app, ‘www’}
region: ${opt:region, ‘us-west-2’}
stage: ${opt:stage, ‘dev’}
stackName: ${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}
tags: ${self:custom.tags}
stackTags: ${self:custom.tags}

ssmBase: /${}
Project: MY VPC
Name: ${self:service} VPC
Environment: ${self:provider.stage}
Description: VPC staff for ${self:provider.stage} env
vpcCIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-vpc}
mgmtSubnet1CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-mgmta1}
mgmtSubnet2CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-mgmtb1}
lbSubnet1CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-lba1}
lbSubnet2CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-lbb1}
ecsSubnet1CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-ecsa1}
ecsSubnet2CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-ecsb1}
dbSubnet1CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-dba1}
dbSubnet2CIDR: ${ssm:${self:custom.ssmBase}/${self:provider.stage}/cidr-subnet-dbb1}


  • ${file(resources/vpc.yml)}

Please help …


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Yes @johhue there is a way to bypass, remove org from the serverless.yml file, keep in mind, that you will need to have a valid AWS user configured in your local to deploy.

What options are available for sidestepping the need for the Serverless Dashboard?

Something has changed in recent version. Now the prompt to register Serverless Dashboard always happens, regardless of app/org setting in serverless.yml file.

False alarm. Mistakenly ran command in old format: “sls --stage dev info” instead of new format “sls info --stage dev”

Deleting the ~/.serverlessrc file should help stop the prompts from appearing