I’m trying to follow the Facebook chatbot example, but I am facing issues at “Verifying your webhook from facebook” section. I am getting the following error from facebook
The URL couldn’t be validated. Callback verification failed with the following errors: HTTP Status Code = 502; HTTP Message = Bad Gateway
when I enter the get URL. I went to API Gateway and verified that the API is indeed deployed.
START RequestId: 6f011cb6-c21e-11e6-858f-ffc651c7ddfb Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 6f011cb6-c21e-11e6-858f-ffc651c7ddfb
REPORT RequestId: 6f011cb6-c21e-11e6-858f-ffc651c7ddfb Duration: 0.46 ms
Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 16 MB
But, when I try to verify the webhook from FB, I get to see this response
The URL couldn’t be validated. Callback verification failed with the following errors: HTTP Status Code = 502; HTTP Message = Bad Gateway
Seems like 1 step forward and 2 back. I had deleted the lambda function and APIs last week. I am trying to deploy again. But my deployment itself is failing.
I deleted all the buckets manually as well as the lambda functions. I see that you mentioned that this got to do with permissions in another thread, but that can’t be the case!
Are there any rules with regards to spaces vs tabs in indentation?
I don’t know. I use only spaces.
I deleted all the buckets manually as well as the lambda functions.
That is the cause. “Update Stack” failed because manually deleted S3 bucket.
Do you know the CloudFormarion stack operated by Serverless? You should delete the CF Stack on AWS Manangemant console, then retry sls deploy again.
As another method, will execute sls deploy with another stage name or region specified.