Does Serverless support dotnet 8.0?

AWS recently announced support for DotNet 8 framework for their lambda. I am trying to deploy my .Net 8 based lambda function to AWS and the serverless framework reports an error that the runtime dotnet8 is not supported. I tried with 3.38.0 version of serverless framework.
Does Serverless framework has support of DotNet8?



Is anyone from the serverless team able to provide any sort of information on the above? I also get Unable to add Lambda Layers to function xyzHandler with runtime dotnet8. Support from the AWS team came over a month ago. It would be nice to have some timelines so that we are not forced to build on soon to be legacy frameworks.

Was looking for the same but it seems that v4 of the serverless framework will include it.
Sadly no word on the release date yet.
GitHub - serverless/serverless at v4.0.