I am using serverless 1.17. I had a service previously deployed with 1.15, that created an api with a usage plan and an api key.
I removed the stack (sls remove). I checked to make sure ALL resources were gone. I redeployed (sls deploy). I received the following error:
An error occurred while provisioning your stack: EISearchServiceUsagePlanKey - Usage Plan wkw8wr cannot be added because API Key axnaxll39k cannot reference multiple Usage Plans with the same API Stage: atax6mq8o4:dev.
To me this implies that not all the resources were removed when I did an sls remove, even though no resources related to the service existed when I attempted to redeploy. Is there an issue with CloudFormation and UsagePlan? Is sls properly removing the Plan? I assume so since no UsagePlan or Api Key existed when I attempted to redeploy.
Any ideas?
Well, I figured it out.
As I mentioned, originally I was using severless 1.15.1, and I had upgraded to 1.17. While under 1.15, I created and configured usage plans in my serverless file. It appears that in 1.17, usage plans are created automatically if you are adding an api key. So, when I upgraded to 1.17, all of a sudden I am attempting to create another usage plan and adding the same api that was added to the usage plan serverless creates for me.
I must have missed the documentation regarding this change is 1.17. I assume I can configure the usage plan that serverless creates by the normal overriding process. If anyone knows of any gotcha’s let me know.
Same thing happened for me. I had issues with 1.22.0 whereby a new usage plan was being created for an existing API key. Had to npm uninstall -g serverless
and reinstall to an older version e.g. npm install -g serverless@1.10.2
in order to deploy.
Can you/ how did you configure usage plan IDs manually @shawnmullen?
If you are using the latest version of Serverless and if you already have an api key assigned to a usage plan, you will need to delete the usage plan first and then re-deploy. Serverless will then create a new usage plan and assign the api key to it.
Assuming the following is in the provider section of the serverless.yml file:
- UserServiceApiKey
I put the following in the resources section:
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi
Name: my-user-service-api
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlan
DependsOn: ApiGatewayApiKey1
Description: Usage plan for the user service api.
UsagePlanName: user-service-api-usage-plan
- ApiId:
Ref: ApiGatewayRestApi
Stage: ${self:provider.stage}
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::UsagePlanKey
DependsOn: UserServiceUsagePlan
Properties :
Ref: ApiGatewayApiKey1
KeyType: API_KEY
Ref: UserServiceUsagePlan