Creating new serverless lambda adds "hello" to the function name

I am not sure where I can find this but every time I create a new lambda through serverless console, its creating it as hello: items-create-dev-hello for example. when I just wanted items-create as a lambda function name… any idea?

Not sure why but it does this for mine as well. No matter what stage I give it, deploy command appends “-hello” to the end of every lambda function which is not desirable

Can you perhaps share the serverless.yml you use when deploying?

If you want control over the function name, you can explicitly define it in the serverless.yml file. By adding a name property under the functions section and specifying the desired name, such as “items-create”, you can override the default naming behavior. Just be aware that changing the function name may have implications for other resources dependent on it, so ensure you update any references accordingly.