Does anyone have a suggestion for a better DynamoDB Node library than the default AWS SDK one? I’d prefer something promise based to avoid the “callback hell”. Also, the AWS one has a lot of boilerplate and funky syntax. This one looks promising, but I couldn’t get it to work:
I prefer the DocumentClient interface, but I hear good things about dynogels too.
@rhlsthrm The default Lambda environment includes AWS SDK for Javascript 2.7.10 and the SDK has supported promises since 2.3.0. All you need to do is add .promise() after method calls. See
dynogels looks cool, I like the schema-based interface. Thanks for the info.
the AWS-SDK Document client is really quite good, and its Promise support is very good.
What issues did you have with
I’m using it at the moment, after i was unhappy with a couple others i looked into.
But I did not give dynogels a try yet.
I was having trouble with the configuration to get it to work. But since I found out the AWS-SDK Document Client works fine and supports promises, I decided to use that and did not spend time debugging my previous issue.
The schema model from dynogels works really well, but it doesn’t have promise support. dynogels-promisified worked great for me.