Audit error on serverless install (npm audit)

When I run my npm install, I am seeing a security vulnerability on a serverless dependency:

RobWeaver:SharedDeployScripts robweaver$ npm audit fix
npm WARN TAPREST@1.0.0 No repository field.

updated 1 package in 3.329s
fixed 1 of 2 vulnerabilities in 1264 scanned packages
  1 vulnerability required manual review and could not be updated
RobWeaver:SharedDeployScripts robweaver$ npm audit 
                       === npm audit security report ===                        

│ Manual Review │
│ Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve │
│ │
│ Visit for additional guidance │


│ High │ Denial of Service │

│ Package │ https-proxy-agent │

│ Patched in │ >=2.2.0 │

│ Dependency of │ serverless │

│ Path │ serverless > https-proxy-agent │

│ More info │

found 1 high severity vulnerability in 1264 scanned packages
1 vulnerability requires manual review. See the full report for details.

The best place to report this is the Serverless Framework Github repo where development takes place.