Hey all.
I’m trying to setup an Amazon MSK cluster and connect to it from a lambda function. The lambda function will be a producer of messages, not a consumer.
I have added the following to my serverless yaml and that seems to be working fine.
Type: AWS::MSK::Cluster
ClusterName: kafkaOne
KafkaVersion: 2.2.1
NumberOfBrokerNodes: 3
InstanceType: kafka.t3.small
- Ref: PrivateSubnet1
- Ref: PrivateSubnet2
- Ref: PrivateSubnet3
But when trying to connect to this cluster to actually send messages I am unsure how to get the connection string here? I presume it should be the ZookeeperConnectString?
I’m new to kafka/msk so maybe I am not seeing something obvious.
Any advice much appreciated. Cheers.