What should be lambda name if I use custom fucntion with `-` included such as monitor-check-pc?

this is my function define-

    handler: main.healthcheckHandler

what should I write inside cloudformation-

MonitorCheckPCScheduledRule: # New CloudWatch Event Rule for ACP Lambda
      Type: AWS::Events::Rule
        Description: "ScheduledRule for PC Lambda"
        Name: mig-pc-monitor-check-trigger
        ScheduleExpression: rate(5 minutes)
        State: ENABLED
          - Arn:
                - MonitorDashcheckDashpcLambdaFunction
                - Arn
            Id: monitorCheckPCScheduledRule

I’d deploy it with out the Rule and then see :slight_smile:

The rules are documented, but I’ve no idea how current they are, or if they apply to v4 and v3 : AWS Infrastructure Resources - Serverless Framework - AWS Infrastructure Resources

You can also give the Function a name: item to override that.