I while ago, I followed this guide on the Serverless blog to set up an API using Express on Lambda. In particular, I used this snippet so that API Gateway just forwards a request to any route to the lambda:
handler: index.handler
- http: ANY /
- http: 'ANY {proxy+}'
It’s been working great… until the latest Serverless 2.6.0 update. Now I get a warning:
Configuration warning at ‘functions.myfunction.events[1].http’: value ‘ANY {proxy+}’ does not satisfy pattern /^(?:*|(GET|POST|PUT|PATCH|OPTIONS|HEAD|DELETE|ANY) (/\S*))$/i
Seeing the changelog, obviously this was caused by this change https://github.com/serverless/serverless/issues/8301
Should I change my configuration (and if so, how?), or should I report this as a bug/regression?
Thank you