Sls logs --startTime not working as expected

I am having trouble using the CLI’s sls logs command, and most specifically its --startTime option when querying logs of a function (deployed on AWS).

Adding --startTime doesn’t seem to make any difference to what I get back from sls logs.


sls logs --stage production --function myFunc --startTime 2019-07-19

returns results from 2019-07-22 (today) only, and it is pretty much the same result without any --startTime. For sure it would be possible that the most recent logs since the 19th July are from today (22nd), but I know for a fact that this is not the case (confirmed by looking at the logs directly in CloudWatch).

My sls CLI version is 1.27.3

Not sure what I’m doing wrong, any help would be much appreciated.

Exact same here with --startTime 30d - the main CW web console shows logs going back months and months, including within the last 14 days, yet the most recent result is just from yesterday, as if --startTime is being ignored.

sls logs --stage live --aws-profile thing-serverless-live -f login

 $ sls version
Running "serverless" from node_modules
Environment: linux, node 18.17.1, framework 3.26.0 (local) 3.25.1v (global), plugin 6.2.2, SDK 4.3.2

For instance, the raw CLI is fine

aws logs filter-log-events --profile thing-serverless-live --log-group-name /aws/lambda/thing-live-login --no-paginate --start-time `date -d 2023-11-11T14:50:00Z +%s`000