is it possible to use SLS to just package your function? For example, assume I’ve already used Terrraform to create a lambda and the lambda’s source is in an S3 bucket. Using the CLI I could push a new zip file into S3 and “refresh” my lambda. I would like to use SLS simply to build this zip file that I need to push. I don’t need to “deploy” anything or set up any infrastructure.
I want my Jenkins build to
- checkout my repo
- run “npm -i --only=prod”
- run “npm run package” (this will be where I use SLS, and the results are “dist/”, for example)
- scp dist/ <nexus | artifactory | s3>
I want my Jenkins deploy to
- scp / .
- aws-cli copy ./ to s3-bucket (
- aws-cli update lambda function (
would something like that be possible???