Simple-git deprecation notice: git.silent: logging should be configured using the `debug` library / `DEBUG` environment variable, this will be an error in version 3

Recently upgraded to SLS 2.22.0, and now seeing the following deprecation notice:

simple-git deprecation notice: git.silent: logging should be configured using the debug library / DEBUG environment variable, this will be an error in version 3

Any idea how to resolve?

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I too got this error. Anyone, any idea?

same here, error below

❯❯❯ sls invoke local --function function-name
Serverless: Running "serverless" installed locally (in service node_modules)
simple-git deprecation notice: git.silent: logging should be configured using the `debug` library / `DEBUG` environment variable, this will be an error in version 3
Serverless: To ensure safe major version upgrades ensure "frameworkVersion" setting in service configuration (recommended setup: "frameworkVersion: ^2.4.0")

I’m to getting same error.
sls deploy
**simple-git deprecation notice: git.silent: logging should be configured using the debug library / DEBUG environment variable, **
this will be an error in version 3
Serverless: Running “serverless” installed locally (in service node_modules)

And command gets hang here.

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same message here … but no issues because of it yet - looks a bit ugly :upside_down_face:
… any resolution/thoughts?

sls --version

simple-git deprecation notice: git.silent: logging should be configured using the debug library / DEBUG environment variable, this will be an error in version 3
Framework Core: 2.23.0
Plugin: 4.4.2
SDK: 2.3.2
Components: 3.6.2

Hello :wave: New version of the plugin was released 4.4.3 that no longer uses that deprecated method. Fresh installations of Framework should install that version of dependecy by default now :+1:

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Same here. Any solution?