As described in the topic name, does anyone know how I can enable (via yaml) an AWS Private Linked API Gateway for a server less Lambda?
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Did you find a solution ?
I found the following method :
- create manually the VPC, private subnet;
- create manually a VPC endpoint (his security group must allow incoming HTTPS trafic);
- create manually the security group for the private subnet (that must allow incoming HTTPS trafic from the created VPC endpoint);
- add the following configuration to your serverless.yml of your private microservice :
vpc: securityGroupIds: - sg-0e2fbbf293xxxxxxx subnetIds: - subnet-0c1f109b92xxxxxxx endpointType: private resourcePolicy: - Effect: Allow Principal: '*' Action: execute-api:Invoke Resource: '*' Condition: StringEquals: 'aws:sourceVpce': vpce-0c3f05af1e8xxxxxx
- sls deploy
Hope it can help.