ServerlessError: The operation cannot be performed at this time. An update is in progress for resource

Often encounter error when run serverless command ()


serverless deploy --verbose --aws-profile default --function xxx --stage prod


The operation cannot be performed at this time. An update is in progress for resource: arn:aws-cn:lambda:cn-north-1:xxxx:function:xxx

Environment Information

 OS:                     linux
 Node Version:           10.15.3
 Serverless Version:     1.36.3

Who knows how to solve this problem?

Latest and last update:

To solve this problem you should update serverlss sdk to 2,68.0 or newer

Just ran in to this error after upgrading to 2.68. Downgraded back to 2.66 and now it’s working again.

I was also getting the error:
Retrying ensure function state for function:

Both errors repeated about 20 times.

Sorry. It’s wrong.wait mainintar to fix.

Yeah, even after changing versions I get this error. But only on this project, not others. The Lambda function is still deploying though with v2.66.

For more info you can visit: github。com/serverless/serverless/discussions

You should wait for function code update to complete before proceeding with update of function configuration.