Serverless websockets - accepting a path wss://<path>

Dear Serverless community,

Your work has been a blessing for me. I’m using the framework since 6 months or so, and have deployed various REST APIs on AWS. Great work!

Right now I am facing a pretty big issue, which I have tried to solve for a few hours now.

I have a bunch of websocket clients which would like to contact my endpoint at address of the form wss://<client_id>

Unfortunately, it seems that this kind of behavior is not actually supported by api gateway and lambda. This seems pretty odd, as it is pretty common.

I have looked at various documentation, and in particular this medium post Using parameter mapping in WebSocket API | by Jaewoo Ahn | Medium which seems to offer some workaround, which I am unable to fully grasp for now.

I would like to ask if someone has had this experience before and has found a way to map the path to some field of the event fed to the lambda, or at least to avoid a 403 error every time somebody includes a path in the endpoint address.

Thank you very much for your help

It seems that this stackoverflow discussion may provide a solution:

and this Medium article is needed to make it work Configure Amazon CloudFront CDN for WebSocket connection - Nick Zamosenchuk - Medium

Those resources were the solution!

It is also possible to use cloudfront to enable insecure websocket connections, and to do a ton of other things. With lambda @ edge is possible to rewrite requests and responses.

Something odd is happening tho. I have a custom domain for my cloudfront distribution, therefore i use a SSL certificate created via ACM for that domain instead of the cloudfront SSL default certificate.

That certificate i got via ACP appears “wrong” though, trying to connect to the endpoint using openssl results in a error.

The default cloudfront certificate has a wrong hostname.

My clients can tolerate a certificate with a wrong hostname but aren’t able to use my custom certificate at all!

Is there something i should be paying attention to in order to allow my own custom certificate to be used?