Serverless.ts: How to use Fn::GetAtt in a Lambda's Stream ARN

In a serverless.ts file, how can I define the Stream ARN in a Lambda?

hello: {
  handler: "src/handler.hello",
  events: [
      stream: {
        arn: { "Fn::GetAtt": ["UsersTable", "StreamArn"] },

Doing it the way above returns an error since the ARN object is being parsed as an array, which is not valid as the ARN requires a string.

any luck ?? looking for the same

Using the typescript node.js serverless template, I was able to use a Kinesis Stream Arn using the following syntax:

functions: {
    ingestion: {
      handler: 'handler.ingestStream',
      events: [
          stream: {
            type: 'kinesis',
            arn: { 'Fn::GetAtt': ['SuperSweetStream', 'Arn'] },
resources: {
    Resources: {
      'SuperSweetStream': {
        'Type' : 'AWS::Kinesis::Stream',
        'Properties' : {
            'Name' : '${self:service}-stream',
            'RetentionPeriodHours' : 24,
            'ShardCount' : 3,