Using serverless to target a REST API with AWS Gateway and AWS Lambda, I have access to a representation of the API caller’s Cognito identity using event.requestContext.identity, which for example may look something like “us-east-1:7826598f-32e8-4576-a652-8e7d4b07ffd4”.
Using serverless with serverless-graphql to target a GraphQL API with AWS AppSync, I have access to a representation of the API caller’s Cognito identity using $context.identity within a resolver mapping template, which may look something the object show below.
Having tables already keyed using the identity from the REST API, I was hoping to see the same info in the GraphQL solution. I don’t.
Does anyone know of any way to gain access the same Cognito identity string from event.requestContext.identity using serverless-graphql?
$context.identity produces:
sub: ‘733y87eh-543c-4db3-90d3-345af7g3b1w8’,
issuer: ‘’,
username: ‘’,
claims: {
sub: ‘733y87eh-543c-4db3-90d3-345af7g3b1w8’,
aud: ‘k2e45ef5km4se16j7gj5i4jvu9’,
email_verified: true,
event_id: ‘f9293923-4518-11e8-a71f-a15cf0c3b0db’,
token_use: ‘id’,
auth_time: 1524283419,
iss: ‘’,
‘cognito:username’: ‘’,
exp: 1524287019,
iat: 1524283419,
email: ‘’,
sourceIp: [‘’],
defaultAuthStrategy: ‘ALLOW’,
groups: null,