I am new to python3, pycharm and lambda…nothing like jumping in with both feet!
I am on Windows (I know, no choice).
I am trying to find a IDE that I can develop locally and then deploy to lambda. I’ve tried cloud9 on AWS and seem to run into some package issues. Now I am trying pycharm, serverless framework and serverless-python-requirements. I have a super simple python3 script that uses the serverless hello world script and adds:
import sqlobject
sqlobject was installed by pycharm when it recognized that it was missing. The script runs fine locally but when I deploy using serverless deploy I get:
START RequestId: f6f53355-e1c9-11e7-afc2-b7511ac04519 Version: $LATEST
Unable to import module ‘handler’: No module named ‘sqlobject’
I have deployed the app with serverless and then exported the package from lambda. It looks like the 3rd party packages are in the zip file just not in the right place.
How do I get serverless to deploy the 3rd party packages to the proper location in lambda?
Also, when I deploy the app and then go to lambda “Upload a zip package” is selected. When I change to “edit inline” to see the folder structure the AWS IDE won’t change. Why?