Missing "handler" property in function "events". Please make sure you point to the correct lambda handler. For example: handler.hello. Please check the docs for more info

I am new to lambda when I deploy a service using it. I get the error “Missing handler property in the function events” please make sure you point to the correct lambda"
here is my serverless.yml file

# Welcome to Serverless!
# This file is the main config file for your service.
# It's very minimal at this point and uses default values.
# You can always add more config options for more control.
# We've included some commented out config examples here.
# Just uncomment any of them to get that config option.
# For full config options, check the docs:
#    docs.serverless.com
# Happy Coding!

service: testService # NOTE: update this with your service name

# You can pin your service to only deploy with a specific Serverless version
# Check out our docs for more details
# frameworkVersion: "=X.X.X"

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs8.10

# you can overwrite defaults here
stage: dev
region: us-east-1

# you can add statements to the Lambda function's IAM Role here
#  iamRoleStatements:
#    - Effect: "Allow"
#      Action:
#        - "s3:ListBucket"
#      Resource: { "Fn::Join" : ["", ["arn:aws:s3:::", { "Ref" : "ServerlessDeploymentBucket" } ] ]  }
#    - Effect: "Allow"
#      Action:
#        - "s3:PutObject"
#      Resource:
#        Fn::Join:
#          - ""
#          - - "arn:aws:s3:::"
#            - "Ref" : "ServerlessDeploymentBucket"
#            - "/*"

# you can define service wide environment variables here
#  environment:
#    variable1: value1

# you can add packaging information here
#  include:
#    - include-me.js
#    - include-me-dir/**
#  exclude:
#    - exclude-me.js
#    - exclude-me-dir/**

    handler: handler.hello

#    The following are a few example events you can configure
#    NOTE: Please make sure to change your handler code to work with those events
#    Check the event documentation for details
    - http:
        path: users/create
        method: get
#      - websocket: $connect
#      - s3: ${env:BUCKET}
#      - schedule: rate(10 minutes)
#      - sns: greeter-topic
#      - stream: arn:aws:dynamodb:region:XXXXXX:table/foo/stream/1970-01-01T00:00:00.000
#      - alexaSkill: amzn1.ask.skill.xx-xx-xx-xx
#      - alexaSmartHome: amzn1.ask.skill.xx-xx-xx-xx
#      - iot:
#          sql: "SELECT * FROM 'some_topic'"
#      - cloudwatchEvent:
#          event:
#            source:
#              - "aws.ec2"
#            detail-type:
#              - "EC2 Instance State-change Notification"
#            detail:
#              state:
#                - pending
#      - cloudwatchLog: '/aws/lambda/hello'
#      - cognitoUserPool:
#          pool: MyUserPool
#          trigger: PreSignUp

#    Define function environment variables here
#    environment:
#      variable2: value2

# you can add CloudFormation resource templates here
#  Resources:
#    NewResource:
#      Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
#      Properties:
#        BucketName: my-new-bucket
#  Outputs:
#     NewOutput:
#       Description: "Description for the output"
#       Value: "Some output value"

Here goes my handler.js file
use strict’;

module.exports.hello = async (event, context) => {
  return {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!',
      input: event,

  // Use this code if you don't use the http event with the LAMBDA-PROXY integration
  // return { message: 'Go Serverless v1.0! Your function executed successfully!', event };


    handler: handler.hello
    - http:

The problem is with your indenting in serverless.yml.
Notice that hello and events is at the same indention level. When you package/deploy, it’s being evaluated as two functions the hello function and the events function. The events function doesn’t contain a handler property, so throws an error.

I assume, you meant to have the events label actually defining the events trigger for the hello function.
If so, then just indent the events block another 2 spaces to the right. like so:

    handler: handler.hello
      - http:

Thanks for the assistance @bfieber it finally works.

I think the indentation under comments in the template file is non trivial.