Lambda doesn't find monorepo package in nodejs16

We have a project of nodejs, written in typescript, the project is built in monorepo structure like this:
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
├── app
| └── app.ts
| └── node_modules
| └── package.json
| └── tsconfig.json
├── common
| └── node_modules
| └── package.json
| └── tsconfig.json
├── lambdas
| └── node_modules
| └── package.json
| └── tsconfig.json
Our app and lambdas are using the common files. For nodejs12 and nodejs14 everything worked fine, but when we upgraded to node16, when we run the lambda in aws we get this error:

"errorType": "Runtime.ImportModuleError",
"errorMessage": "Error: Cannot find module '../common'

We tried many plugins like serverless-plugin-optimize and serverless-package-external without success. Is this a bug or we need a different plugin to recognize the common folder in the lambdas?

Still relevant, does someone has an idea? some workaround?