Kinesis Lambda execution role

In order to have my lambda function be a consumer of kinesis stream, I need to apply a AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole managed policy to the IamRoleLambdaExecution.
My current top-level serverless.yml starts like:

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs4.3
    - Effect: Allow
        - kinesis:Get*
        - kinesis:Put*
        - kinesis:DescribeStream
        - kinesis:ListStreams
      Resource: arn:aws:kinesis:*:*:stream/commands

How can I be sure the appropriate AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole policy is attached to my iamRoleLambdaRole? Once I do that manually in the AWS console my lambda consumer works a treat! But I’d like to do it all in serverless

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I haven’t tried to associate managed policies, and I’m not sure the provider or iamRoleStatements configuration objects support it.

As a work-around, you could just inline the managed policy. Looking at the AWSLambdaKinesisExecutionRole role in the AWS IAM Console, it would look something like this (in addition to your other statement):

    - Effect: Allow
        - kinesis:DescribeStream
        - kinesis:GetRecords
        - kinesis:GetShardIterator
        - kinesis:ListStreams
        - logs:CreateLogGroup
        - logs:CreateLogStream
        - logs:PutLogEvents
      Resource: *

Thanks @rowanu! That does work. I had done what you did (copying the statement) but had this:

    - Effect: Allow
        - kinesis:GetRecords
        - kinesis:GetShardIterator
        - kinesis:PutRecord
        - kinesis:PutRecords
        - kinesis:DescribeStream
        - kinesis:ListStreams
        - logs:CreateLogGroup
        - logs:CreateLogStream
        - logs:PutLogEvents
      Resource: arn:aws:kinesis:*:*:stream/commands

I’m not sure why specifying the specific resource (commands stream) doesnt work…I’m still learning about IAM policies and such. I’ll stick to your wildcard solution for now.

Ah, I only saw a subset of actions, hence my suggestion.

The Resource ARN you specified looks too specific - I would expect you’d need a star somewhere in the last section (i.e. stream/commands) for it to work in a generic way/across deployments. I’m not familiar with Kinesis, so can’t be more specific than that unfortunately.