How to update a given lambda with a serverless framework client, without running the sls deploy command


I want to ask about how to update a given lambda with a serverless framework client.
I’m building a cloud dev farm system that provides the in-house developers with public cloud-based development environments, including the serverless environment with a lambda function and a dynamo DB.
I’ve been asked to support the Serverless framework for lambda development.

Due to the security policy, I can’t grant the developers the Admin Access permission, which is necessary to run the sls deploy command insofar as I investigate.
I want the developers to just update a function with code without the permission handling infrastructure.

In this regard, let me ask some questions.

  1. How can I update a given lambda with a serverless framework client, without running the sls deploy command?
    When I run the sls deploy function with the name of a function built ahead, I get the following message.
serverless deploy function --function <function-name> --force

Deploying function <function-name> to stage dev (<region_name>)
Environment: linux, node 16.18.1, framework 3.24.1, plugin 6.2.2, SDK 4.3.2

The function "<function-name>" you want to update is not yet deployed. Please run "serverless deploy" to deploy your service. After that you can redeploy your services functions with the "serverless deploy function" command.

Unless the sls deploy command run, it is impossible to update the function.

  1. Is there any AWS cli connecting a given lambda with a serverless framework client?
    For example, in the EKS command, aws eks update-kubeconfig --region ${region} --name ${cluster-name} connects a kubectl client with a kubernetes cluster.
    I think that in the lambda, there is a similar command.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,