Hi fellow serverless users,
I created a lambda function backed rest api on api gateway with using serverless framework.
In order to protect my api endpoint, I enabled aws_iam authorizers to allow only signed in user to access the endpoints.
I would also like to provide an alternative authorization solution with api gateway usage plan and api key, so that user could use the api key I provided to access my endpoints programmatically.
However, seems user can’t access my endpoints with api key with aws_am authorizers enabled, http request comes back "message": "Missing Authentication Token"
Is there any way I can make this to work? Or I have to define two separate functions with each has different authorization solution?
Here’s how my rest api defined in serverless yaml. Thank you in advance.
handler: src/index.api
timeout: 30
- http:
path: /{proxy+}
method: any
cors: true
private: true
authorizer: aws_iam