Hi all,
I know these similar question has been asked over and over again. But I really cannot figure out which part I did wrong. I am working on API Gateway with Python and I received this error. The serverless.yml and my handler is below. Any help can be appreciated.
service: model-service plugins: - serverless-python-requirements - serverless-domain-manager - serverless-plugin-warmup custom: pythonRequirements: dockerizePip: non-linux env: PROD_DB: string DEMO_DB: string NLTK_DATA: '/opt/nltk_data' appId: XXX appSecret: xxx customDomain: domainName: string certificateName: string basePath: api stage: '${self:provider.stage}' authorizer: auth: name: authFunc type: token identitySource: method.request.header.Authorization #resultTtlInSeconds: 0 warmup: enable: true #events: #- schedule: 'cron(0/5 8-17 ? * MON-FRI *)' concurrency: 5 resources: Resources: AuthFailureGatewayResponse: Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse' Properties: {ResponseParameters: {gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '''*''', gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers: '''*'''}, ResponseType: UNAUTHORIZED, RestApiId: {Ref: ApiGatewayRestApi}, StatusCode: '401'} provider: name: aws runtime: python3.7 region: ap-southeast-2 stage: prod resourcePolicy: - Effect: Allow Principal: "*" Action: "execute-api:Invoke" Resource: "execute-api:/*" iamRoleStatements: - Effect: "Allow" Action: - "lambda:InvokeFunction" Resource: "*" package: exclude: - venv/** - node_modules/** - nltk/** functions: distractibility_index: handler: handler.di_handler environment: PROD_DB: '${self:custom.env.PROD_DB}' DEMO_DB: '${self:custom.env.DEMO_DB}' vpc: securityGroupIds: string subnetIds: string events: - http: cors: true method: post path: di authorizer: '${self:custom.authorizer.auth}' timeout: 30 warmup: true search_skill: handler: handler.search_skill_handler environment: PROD_DB: '${self:custom.env.PROD_DB}' DEMO_DB: '${self:custom.env.DEMO_DB}' events: - http: cors: true method: post path: searchskill authorizer: '${self:custom.authorizer.auth}' vpc: securityGroupIds: string subnetIds: string timeout: 30 warmup: true word_cloud: handler: handler.word_cloud_handler environment: PROD_DB: '${self:custom.env.PROD_DB}' DEMO_DB: '${self:custom.env.DEMO_DB}' NLTK_DATA: '${self:custom.env.NLTK_DATA}' events: - http: cors: true method: post path: wordcloud authorizer: '${self:custom.authorizer.auth}' layers: - {Ref: NltkLambdaLayer} vpc: securityGroupIds: [sg-5cbc6239] subnetIds: [subnet-d258f6b5, subnet-1f444046] timeout: 30 warmup: true token: handler: handler.token_handler environment: PROD_DB: '${self:custom.env.PROD_DB}' DEMO_DB: '${self:custom.env.DEMO_DB}' appId: '${self:custom.env.appId}' appSecret: '${self:custom.env.appSecret}' events: - http: cors: true method: post path: token vpc: securityGroupIds: string subnetIds: string timeout: 30 warmup: true authFunc: handler: handler.auth_handler environment: PROD_DB: '${self:custom.env.PROD_DB}' DEMO_DB: '${self:custom.env.DEMO_DB}' appId: '${self:custom.env.appId}' appSecret: '${self:custom.env.appSecret}' cors: true warmup: true layers: nltk: path: nltk name: NltkData # optional, Deployed Lambda layer name description: Nltk data # optional, Description to publish to AWS compatibleRuntimes: # optional, a list of runtimes this layer is compatible with - python3.7 licenseInfo: GPLv3 # optional, a string specifying license information allowedAccounts: # optional, a list of AWS account IDs allowed to access this layer. - '*' retain: false # optional, false by default. If true, layer versions are not deleted as new ones are created
def word_cloud_handler(event, context): if(event.get("source")=="serverless-plugin-warmup"): return warm_up() parameters = json.loads(event.get("body")) service.db_config(get_connection_string(parameters)) data = service.find_world_cloud(parameters) return {"statusCode": 200, "headers":{'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials': True}, "body": data}