Getting rate limited when creating API gateway models

New to serverless and trying to eliminate this rate limit error we are seeing in aws cloudformation. Basically some of the APIGateway models get created successfully but then we start seeing these errors in the cloud formation console and the serverless deployment fails.

"Too Many Requests (Service: ApiGateway, Status Code: 429"


  • Is there a way in serverless to control the rate at which cloudformation is creating resources?
  • How can this problem be avoided?

Environement details:
Operating System: darwin
Node Version: 12.13.0
Framework Version: 2.48.1
Plugin Version: 5.4.2
SDK Version: 4.2.3
Components Version: 3.12.0


  • serverless-aws-documentation
  • serverless-api-gateway-caching
  • serverless-stage-manager
  • serverless-plugin-split-stacks
  • serverless-plugin-stage-variables
  • serverless-plugin-aws-alerts

I’m also running into this issue as well. Any workarounds or ways to fix this? I was considering looking into increasing some API Gateway related quotas.

we ended up forking the aws-documentation plugin and making adjusments there. We needed the ability to share models across different stacks (services) and that plugin didn’t allow for it.