Error deploying typescript lambda functions

I have a serverless.js file that’s my template file and this file get base config from another file, so i want to create a lambda function using typescript i already added the serverless typescript plugin, but every time i try to deploy the function the template doesn’t find my handler file, i think this is due the base config file, but i don’t have any ideia which line is causing this, anyone can help?

module.exports = {

provider: {

name: "aws",

runtime: "nodejs12.x",

stage: "dev",

region: "us-east-2",

timeout: 30,

role: "arn:aws:iam::*****:role/service-role/vpcTeste",

iamRoleStatements: [


    Effect: "Allow",

    Action: ["lambda:InvokeFunction", "lambda:InvokeAsync"],

    Resource: "*"



environment: {

  SERVICE_NAME: "${self:service}",

  STAGE: "${self:custom.stage}",


  JWT_KEY: "${ssm:jwtKey}",

  REGION: "${opt:region, self:provider.region}"



custom: {

stage: "${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}",

secrets: "${ssm:${self:custom.stage}ApiKey}",

region: "${opt:region, self:provider.region}",

// serverless-plugin-stage-variables

testnet: {

  dev: true,

  staging: false,

  prod: false


stageVariables: {

  testnet: "${self:custom.testnet.${self:custom.stage}}"


// serverless-add-api-key

apiKeys: [


    name: "${self:custom.stage}ApiKey",

    value: "${self:custom.secrets}"



// Stage domains - serverless-domain-manager

domains: {

  prod: "",

  staging: "",

  dev: ""


customDomain: {

  basePath: "${self:service}",

  domainName: "${${self:custom.stage}}",

  stage: "${self:custom.stage}",

  createRoute53Record: "false"


corsOrigins: {

  dev: "*",

  staging: "*",

  prod: "*"


// serverless-prune-plugin

prune: {

  automatic: true,

  number: 2


scripts: {

  commands: {

    serve: 'sls offline start --stage dev --apiKey ${ssm:${self:custom.stage}ApiKey}'




resources: {

Resources: {

  RequestValidation: {

    Type: "AWS::ApiGateway::RequestValidator",

    Properties: {

      Name: "request-validation",

      RestApiId: {

        Ref: "ApiGatewayRestApi"


      ValidateRequestBody: true,

      ValidateRequestParameters: true



  GatewayResponseDefault4XX: {

    Type: "AWS::ApiGateway::GatewayResponse",

    Properties: {

      ResponseParameters: {

        "gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "'*'",

        "gatewayresponse.header.Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "'*'"


      ResponseType: "DEFAULT_4XX",

      RestApiId: {

        Ref: "ApiGatewayRestApi"






plugins: [












package: {

exclude: ['**'],

individually: true,

excludeDevDependencies: false



And if i create a serverless.yml file without the baseconfig everything works fine, but i will lose all the base config